Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It's amazing to me that life never really goes the way you planned. These last few weeks have been pretty crazy. My parents are in a financial crisis (as all builders are right now... thanks to this great economy) and so I've learned a few things.. 1. No one can replace your family. My aunt and uncle have sold their home and are moving into one of the homes that my p's have available and need desperately to sell. It is amazing to me how generous and kind hearted family can be... truly. Here is a picture of Dana and I cleaning there over the weekend. It's new construction and GORGEOUS!

You can barely see them in the background but I was having serious appliance lust. They are all electrolux and Ah-MAZING! Even Jason and Colin participated in Operation Clean House! (here's Colin on the steps)

Please pray that the market changes FAST and that my parent's can sell some of the homes and lots they have - it's not looking good at the moment.

2. Second thing I've learned - pregnancy is easier than post-partum. I went to the dr. for the terrible wrist pain I've been having and I have DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis... sounds exciting right? Well - I have an arm splint for now since I can't really do the steroid injections or pain meds while nursing (oh and this has taken about 40 minutes to type with this brace on... grr.) Oh well - it will get better!

3. A girl can get REALLY used to not working! I'm going to need to get back into the swing of things - less than 3 weeks at home yet and then back to work. I do have a small part of me that misses the interaction and challenges of my job - but I sure do love being home with Colin. These weeks have been amazing and it is so fun to "get to know" your child!

I guess that's it - hope everyone is doing well and I will post again soon! Also - Dykhouse (aka Schuler) do you have a blog? I can't find you!


Toby and Laura said...

1. No blog... yet. Amber is twisting my arm. I'm considering blogging about our house-hunt.

2. Colin is so freaking adorable! You must be having so much fun!

3. Is Dana drinking PineSol?

4. I'm praying for your parents. This economy sucks in so many ways!

5. Love you guys!

Amber said...

It gets even worse? I already walk like a grandma. When I tell this to Tim he says, "It gets worse."

Lovely sympathy.

Fabulous house cleaning. I hope my baby is a cleaner too. ;)

Kizie still talks about cuddly baby Colin, the snuggly-est baby she's ever met!

Nelson Family said...

Karl says 'nice shirt'! We must have given you that?? We will be home for a few days over Christmas. Maybe we can get together so the kiddos can meet!

Let us know!

Toby and Laura said...


Toby and Laura said...

Oh! Where is your cousin's house? I'll look at anything!